Impact of Artificial intelligence on Project Management

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are paving the way to make Project Management tools and profession go through change in approach and mindset.

10 Early Indicators of Problems & Framework To Solve

We all strive for higher productivity, quality and efficiency.  We implement processes in place to achieve great results but with time, we got to review and renew so that our organization continue to deliver good value to customer. Early indicators of unhealthy organization requiring a thorough check of processes – Increase in employee overtime Over budget andContinue reading “10 Early Indicators of Problems & Framework To Solve”

SWOT Analysis – A Tool Anyone Can Use

Do not begin any major task without this analysis tool!  This tool will generate the list of valuable ideas and strategic direction to achieve your goals. We can say SWOT Analysis is a tool that helps our project, business objective, venture or organization in 4 ways: Evaluate the Strengths so that you can capitalize on them,Continue reading “SWOT Analysis – A Tool Anyone Can Use”

Fountain of Wisdom

Rose & Robert Skillman Library in Detroit has engraving “The Fountain of Wisdom Flows Through the Books“. To drink from this fountain, I continue to read books and here are some that I have completed recently and would like to share with my subscribers and visitors.  I have more detail posted here. These 3 booksContinue reading “Fountain of Wisdom”

Bill Clinton Says Project Managers Help Tackle Global Challenges – Voices on Project Management

Former U.S. president Bill Clinton sent out a powerful message: Project managers will play a significant role in taking on the toughest global challenges. Bill Clinton Says Project Managers Help Tackle Global Challenges – Voices on Project Management.

15 Ground Rules for Project Team Management

People with diverse professional experiences and background have totally unique perspective on any issue.  When a new team is assembled for any project, its vital for the success of that project that all team member are aware of  the ground-rules for the project; similar to any sport.  You may have to read it to team and give aContinue reading “15 Ground Rules for Project Team Management”

Community Leadership – Lessons Learned

Sometime difference of opinions in any community organization or any professional group causes divide among its people. At this time, as an independent person with leadership qualities, you can not rely on the leaders who have created the issue. Playing real leadership role is important..

Quotes from Twitter

I am on Twitter (follow me) and its very useful tool.  I review tweets on my Nokia E71 Smartphone during my lunch break and keep myself updated. I get to read very interesting and inspiring quotes along with information that people share on Twitter; and I also thought of sharing some quotes with my readers.Continue reading “Quotes from Twitter”

Power of Social Media and Customer Service

You might have heard that someone got very bad customer service one day and no one would resolve the complaint at this company.  This person gets upset by the treatment received and decides to write a complaint letter to the president of the company.  In few weeks he receives a note and the issue is resolved by president’s interference. Continue reading “Power of Social Media and Customer Service”

How does it go up the communication chain?

In the beginning was the plan, and then the specification. And the plan was without form, and the specification was void. And the darkness was upon the faces of the implementors; And they spoke unto their managers, saying: “It is a crock of cow manure, and it stinketh.“ And their manager went to the second levelContinue reading “How does it go up the communication chain?”

Got 10 minute to speak with executive?

When you got 10 minutes or less to talk to your executive manager, you are well aware of the fact that you do not have enough time to give background of the issue or request and he/she isn’t interested in nitty-gritty detail. Instead of giving your jargon loaded intellectual talk, paint the picture with words.Continue reading “Got 10 minute to speak with executive?”

11 Principles of Leadership

 I came across 11 leadership principles of Marine Corps in Guide Book for Marines on the Internet and here is my interpretation of 11 principles.  I am interested in hearing from Marines about their leadership experience.  Take responsibility – we need to seek and take responsibilities if we need to grow; never shy away, whatever seems challenging willContinue reading “11 Principles of Leadership”

Quotes for Managers

  Here are 6 quotes for I.T. managers from Norman R. Augustine Hardware works best when it matters the least. A revised schedule is to business what a new season is to an athlete or a new canvas to an artist. One of the most feared expressions in modern times is ”The computer is down”.Continue reading “Quotes for Managers”

Don’t Settle – Stay Hungry – Stay Foolish

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

Changepoint and PPM

Last week I completed Compuware Changepoint training. I had read earlier that Changepoint is in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant (leaders) for PPM tools. Changepoint is a web based tool for project and portfolio management.  The tool enables leadership make right decisions based on dynamic metrics of various initiatives and what value these initiatives add; and realignment ofContinue reading “Changepoint and PPM”

3-Rs for Leaders

Read more Reflect more Risk more Leaders ought to read a lot to stay ahead.  Each day is blessed with new discoveries and useful information.  Using the 80/20 rule, find out what is out there that you need to know.  Co-relate how changes in the world going to shape your world. Read more = Plan LeadersContinue reading “3-Rs for Leaders”

Project Management – Useful Links

We learn a lot from the Internet these days and rely on up-to-date information.  Personally, I’ve learned a lot from my fellow bloggers and other websites on Project Management to stay ahead of the curve.  There are many other on-line resources but  I would like to share following list of blogs/websites that I frequently visit and wouldContinue reading “Project Management – Useful Links”

Leadership Sans Ego & Insecurity

Everywhere we turn our focus to, we hear something negative and how leadership should come forward.  Leadership at every level is already faced with some difficult choices.  It is of paramount importance that when leaders make decisions to change the course, decisions should not have been plagued by personal ego and due to insecurity. AsContinue reading “Leadership Sans Ego & Insecurity”

Capture Planning Assumptions

Your boss approaches you and tells that workplan is very good but customer wants to know how can we deliver the project sooner than promised?  Now you have to come up with a new workplan or make some adjustments based on new findings.  You put your thoughts together and go on to make changes/update and deliver the finalContinue reading “Capture Planning Assumptions”

Choosing Team Lead

“People acting together as a group can accomplish things that no individual acting alone could ever hope  to bring about.” – FD Roosevelt Each team members has unique work style, personal goals, skills, background and experience.  Each team member’s unique qualities and different attributes make a team complex unit where conflict, confusion, criticism will grow and finally bringContinue reading “Choosing Team Lead”

Life is bigger than that!

2008 is nearing the completion of business work days and it was one of the eventful year.  We have seen all from US election to Canadian elections, Wall-street meltdown to Automotive bailout, Saturday Night Live comedy to economic worries.  All the stuff, never thought of.  But when it comes to our professional life, one needs toContinue reading “Life is bigger than that!”

Communication Skills for Managers – Learning From Barak Obama

I was looking into posts on Mr. Barak Obama’s communication style and how it contributed towards Obama’s victory.  Did Obama address people in all 4 categories of DiSC Model?  These categories are Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness.  Each person in his/her category wants to hear in a specific manner.  Some people need direct answer while others need some encouragement and hopeContinue reading “Communication Skills for Managers – Learning From Barak Obama”

Elected – Board Member @ PMIGLC

When  I checked my inbox this morning, I found an official email from PMIGLC election committee congratulating me that I have been elected as Vice President – Communications for the 2009-2010 term. Some of you might know that I volunteer at  Great Lakes Chapter of PMI (Project Management Institute) in Detroit. I started volunteering as ‘Director of Webservices’ almost over 2Continue reading “Elected – Board Member @ PMIGLC”

Fast, Cheap AND Good

Can’t pick any two? You also need all three – fast, cheap and good?  It has been very commonly used set of options in I.T. when offering an alternative or usually when dealing with issues from outsourced service.  Someone will come and say – “Pick any two!”  Sometime ago I was involved in a projectContinue reading “Fast, Cheap AND Good”

Practical Wisdom – three types of people

I attended “Practical Wisdom For Getting the Most Out of Life” seminar by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Detroit on July 9th.  It was good to see and listen him in person. His way of talking is like giving sutras (formula) for something.  I know condensing some information and giving it in the short form is notContinue reading “Practical Wisdom – three types of people”

The 7 Habits For Managers

Stephen R Covey’s book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is classic and most of us have read and learned from it.   This week, I listened to his another audio book The 7 Habits for Managers: Managing Yourself, Leading Others, Unleashing Potential. Its based on ‘classic 7 habits’ and with focus on management.  I would recommend toContinue reading “The 7 Habits For Managers”

DiSC model – Management Styles

I completed DiSC (stands for Dominance, influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness) training last week and fount it interesting.   DiSC confirms one thing, different strokes for different folks. DiSC is a system to help you find out similar and unique characteristics among people.  It also shows person’s behavioural preferences and helps to identify different management styles that can leadContinue reading “DiSC model – Management Styles”

Intro to Earned Value Analysis – Part 1

We got to measure the progress of the project and report it to upper management along with controlling it.  Project might seem progressing well, tasks completing on time and we are spending money for that.  Earned Value Analysis (EVA) gives us an integrated view of cost and schedule performance.  Lets go over some basic definitionsContinue reading “Intro to Earned Value Analysis – Part 1”

Five Powerful Leadership Quotes

Five very powerful quotes, read and ponder.  “A leader takes a little more than his share of the blame, a little less than his share of credit.” – Arnold Glasow “There are no bad soldiers, only bad officers.” – Napolean “The key to success is to get out into the store and listen to what theContinue reading “Five Powerful Leadership Quotes”