Change : Three Fish Story

Change is inevitable.  In every person’s life, opportunities for change come and go.  If person avoids change, nature creates circumstances in one way or the other, and change becomes unavoidable.  As per human nature, some will embrace the change and act positively, some will accept reluctantly and some will  completely deny the fact.  I hopeContinue reading “Change : Three Fish Story”

7 Leadership Quotes

Here are seven inspiring leadership quotations from some of the world’s greatest thinkers.  Greater than the threat of mighty armies is an idea whose time has come. – Victor Hugo Failure, rejection and mistakes are the perfect stepping stones to success. – Dr. Alan Goldberg You either have to be first, best, or different. –Continue reading “7 Leadership Quotes”

Leadership Sans Ego & Insecurity

Everywhere we turn our focus to, we hear something negative and how leadership should come forward.  Leadership at every level is already faced with some difficult choices.  It is of paramount importance that when leaders make decisions to change the course, decisions should not have been plagued by personal ego and due to insecurity. AsContinue reading “Leadership Sans Ego & Insecurity”