How to Have Project Kick-off Meeting

Kick-off meeting is the first meeting of the project where you give all the team members good news that project is ‘go ahead’ from the sponsors and also set the tone of your project – is it going to be a success or a failure.  Many hours and days have gone into preparation before youContinue reading “How to Have Project Kick-off Meeting”

Keeping in touch with direct reports?

Workplaces have transformed a lot in last few years from people working in same office building to team members scattered over different continents.  This poses some benefits and challenges.  As we all know that we are all connected via communication and our communication skills and capabilities play a major role in our success. Keeping theContinue reading “Keeping in touch with direct reports?”

Project Meetings – Communication Essentials

Many tips are available on productive meeting, I want to mention that I have found very much helpful. We all need to work on making meetings productive.  Because of lack of preparation or committment or something else, meetings become waste of time as desired outcome is not achieved.