You had problem pronouncing long Indian name?

You might have seen that some Indian names are little complicated to pronounce (particularly by our American and Canadian fellows – may be Europeans too).  Now-a-days, Indian names are very common in workplace as offices are quite diverse and multi-cultural.  Some have changed their long (or complex to pronounce) Indian names to short ones, the same way William isContinue reading “You had problem pronouncing long Indian name?”

Benjamin Franklin – Wit & Wisdom

 An honest man will receive neither money nor praise that is not his due. Who is strong? He that can conquer his bad habits. The wise man draws more advantage from his enemies, than the fool from his friends. Hide not your talents, they for use were made: “What’s a sun-dial in the shade?” WriteContinue reading “Benjamin Franklin – Wit & Wisdom”

The Art of Getting Work Done!

When managing a project, it comes down to managing work and leading people; and everyone is different; we cannot apply a single rule to get the work done. Enthusiasm of doing the work depends greatly on the type of job or assignment or things involved.  It does not mean that in I.T. all the teamContinue reading “The Art of Getting Work Done!”

Happy Canada Day!

Canadian are celebrating 140th birthday of Canada.  On July 1, 1897 British North American Act created the federal government and stated that Canada would become an independent dominion or territory of England.  At this time Ontario, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Quebec joined the confederation.  Sir John McDonald was the first prime minister of Canada.