Data Strategy is now Org Strategy

Its how companies create value from data Every company is now a technology company. Data and technology are driving business change. Technology has made it possible to leverage data that is being generated and captured at an unprecedented rate for real-time insights, looking back a few years, we once worried about the volume of dataContinue reading “Data Strategy is now Org Strategy”

Twitter for Managers and Leaders

Early this month, I spoke about PMI-GLC’s Social Media Initiatives at PMI Leadership Institute Meeting @ Region 4 (at Orlando, Florida).  I found out that majority of project managers and leaders are aware of the social media in some way but not utilizing that much. LinkedIn for networking and Facebook were two tools that most of the PMs knew and had profiles active. IContinue reading “Twitter for Managers and Leaders”

The 7 Habits For Managers

Stephen R Covey’s book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is classic and most of us have read and learned from it.   This week, I listened to his another audio book The 7 Habits for Managers: Managing Yourself, Leading Others, Unleashing Potential. Its based on ‘classic 7 habits’ and with focus on management.  I would recommend toContinue reading “The 7 Habits For Managers”

Quotes for Managers

Quotes are powerful words to stir thinking process, give new perspective on things, motivate to take action.  Here are some quotes on planning and strategy that I collected from book Strategic Management by Fred David. Like a product or service, the planning process itself must be managed and shaped, if it is to serve executives as aContinue reading “Quotes for Managers”

The Dip – When to Quit and When to Stick

It was my first book from Seth Godin, and he talks about strategic quitting in this book.  Here is my own interpretation of What is a dip – its a temporary situation when you feel like stuck, the results are not convincing and success seems impossible.  Dip can also be considered as  a situation similar to a dead-end assignment with noContinue reading “The Dip – When to Quit and When to Stick”